PDF One Size Does NOT Fit All Diet Plan Meal Planning That Will Boost Your Metabolism Break Through Plateaus and Help You Achieve Maximum Fat Loss Today!

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Book Details :
Published on: 2013-01-15
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Original language: English

10 THINGS DIETS WON'T TELL YOU... And why they cause weight plateaus that you can't break and put you on the yo-yo diet cycle: A calorie is not just a calorie. Your 'healthy' foods are not healthy. Your brain is signaling 'starvation mode.' Your metabolism and thyroid are slowing down. You crave and binge because your body isn't getting the needed nutrients. Food additives are causing food addictions. You won't lose weight if you're consuming excitotoxins and neurotoxins which are present in some food additives. USDA guidelines are for those needing to gain weight. Calorie counting is for the experts. Their diet books are a one-size-fits-all approach. YOU COULD BE ENDANGERING YOUR METABOLISM AND DIETING FOR NOTHING! For example, did you know that: The USDA fails to provide recommendations for individuals with different goals liminating any of the macronutrients (such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats) is detrimental to your health If you don't get enough protein, your muscles will catabolize or break down which slows fat loss If you don't get enough starchy carbohydrates, your thyroid and metabolism will slow or come to a halt If you don't get enough dietary fats, you will age faster and body fat loss will be slow Food manufacturers put one of four additives in packaged foods to addict you Individualization is not prescribed by diet books, whether a person is 150 pounds or 250 pounds Most diets prescribe such a low calorie diet that it doesn't even provide enough energy for your vitals STOP WASTING TIME YO-YO DIETING! You can't count on diet books that are a one-size-fits-all approach. You can't count on doctors who never learned nutrition. You can't count on the USDA for fat loss guidelines. You CAN count on Weight Loss Expert Campbell's new book. One Size Does NOT Fit All Diet Plan is the first and currently only book on the market that focuses on a dieting technique called 'nutrient timing' to increase metabolism and breakthrough plateaus. This dieting method has been used exclusively by athletes and stage competitors for years to achieve maximum fat loss quickly. Whether it was kept a secret or just too complicated to put into book form, it is now available. Campbell's book is the first to organize individualized blueprints to get any dieter started quickly. Calorie calculations have already been configured, as well as the best macronutrient ratio for fat loss, to make menu planning simple. Templates may even be downloaded from Campbell's website. SIMPLE. SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN. SUCCESSFUL.
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